Hybrid Environments for Universities

Hybrid Environments for Universities

In the beginning of March 2020, just before the COVID-19 pandemic hit Europe, nine international experts from Germany, Sweden, Finland

Competing in the Post-COVID Era

Competing in the Post-COVID Era

The future of work is about more than working from home. We are at a tipping point and leaders must make a choice about where and how people will work. The pressure to get it right has never been greater.

Redefining a Clean Office Environment

Redefining a Clean Office Environment

The coronavirus will change how we clean, disinfect and sanitize the workplace. The first step is simplifying the complexity around what a clean office means.

Six Dimensions of Wellbeing: A Work From Home Checklist

Six Dimensions of Wellbeing: A Work From Home Checklist

A healthy, engaged and productive work environment starts with conversations about people’s needs and how to adjust individual and teamwork practices to create a new balance.