Qualification + Selection
Our goal is to develop and maintain a robust supply base of Qualified Suppliers aimed at providing lowest total costs and exceeding our customer expectations.
Our qualification process is designed to gradually share information about each other, so we can each make clear decisions whether or not to continue the process. Our objective is to qualify suppliers with the best capability match to our business needs.
Qualified Suppliers must successfully complete a process and fulfill agreed upon requirements. Our qualification process includes research, evaluation, agreement, as well as ongoing monitoring and measurement.
Our Qualification Leaders develop a candidate supplier list from various sources, including our database of potential material and service providers.
A supplier is selected from our qualified suppliers. We award business based on the supplier’s ability to meet specific requirements of a Schedule Agreement that includes line items such as quality, reliability, total delivered cost to point of use, environmental impact, etc.
We manage our suppliers with our customers in mind. We monitor our suppliers’ performance to ensure the products and services they provide meet or exceed the agreed upon terms and conditions.
Global Agreement
Prior to providing you access to Steelcase Engineering Specifications you will be required to sign a confidential disclosure agreement.
Steelcase and the supplier agree to certain terms and conditions of our Global Master Agreements. We have several types of agreements based on what is being purchased. The Master Agreement describes the general terms and conditions governing any purchase of product, material, service, or equipment by Steelcase from a supplier.
Qualified suppliers have appropriately demonstrated documented and implemented primary business processes and any special processes (welding, coating or adhesives).
Supplier Diversity

Our former President and CEO, James Keane, has expressed to internal and external audiences that it’s not companies that survive for over 100 years, it’s ideas. Steelcase remains centered on one core idea– we unlock human promise. We also believe there is opportunity to unlock human promise in the development of a diverse supply base.

Program + Vision
Since 1991, the Steelcase Supplier Diversity Program has focused on promoting the growth and development of minority-owned, women-owned, veteran-owned, service-disable veteran-owned and HUBzone businesses in the United States by integrating them into our procurement process.
Here at Steelcase, we review our corporate supplier diversity goals monthly. In addition, we continue our involvement in conferences and networking opportunities to make connections with more potential suppliers.
Our Supplier Diversity vision is to grow, develop, and retain our diverse businesses by creating a strong supplier diversity program that meets the needs of our stakeholders.
We work with our suppliers to mutually serve our customers and shareholders. Together, we strive to meet and exceed quality standards, improve efficiencies and effectiveness, and manage resources and costs. We have established guidelines, tools and programs to enhance this outcome. Chief among these is the Steelcase Supplier Code of Conduct.
SupplySync is a private, Internet-based exchange that connects Steelcase with its supply network. The exchange provides a wide range of business services for both indirect and direct material suppliers.
If you are already a Steelcase supplier, your buyer or primary contact at Steelcase can share more about SupplySync with you. If you are interested in becoming a candidate supplier, please fill in our Candidate Supplier Questionnaire form.
To ensure efficient financial transactions with our suppliers, please see the Accounts Payable Finance brochure for EMEA suppliers.
START Manual
The START Manual is a description of the day-to-day business processes required to be a Direct or Finished Goods supplier to Steelcase.
Steelcase Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Steelcase purchase orders are subject to the terms set forth in the applicable agreement currently in effect between the parties, if any. If no such agreement is in effect, the purchase orders are subject to the general terms and conditions of purchase of the ordering Steelcase legal entity, if any, found here:
General Purchasing Terms & Conditions of Steelcase Inc
Steelcase Ltd Terms & Conditions of Purchase
Steelcase GmbH General terms and conditions of purchase
Steelcase SAS Terms and Conditions of Purchase
AF Steelcase SA Terms and Conditions of Purchase
General Terms & Conditions of Purchase Steelcase SRL Romania
General Terms & Conditions of Purchase Steelcase Czech Republic s.r.o