Change Management: Lessons Learned + Best Practices

Change Management: Lessons Learned + Best Practices

For any organization seeking to improve performance, the workplace and the work experience can be particularly powerful. Of course, making

University of Florida Focuses on Active Learning

University of Florida Focuses on Active Learning

The LearnLab was the first of the two spaces to be created and it helped pave the way for the AHA! space, but it faced an initial challenge: UF’s need — as at all institutions of higher education — to hold down the amount of real estate allocated per student.

Universidad Mariano Galvez: Active Learning

Universidad Mariano Galvez: Active Learning

Educators and administrators at UMG understood they needed to make changes to their classrooms and develop a new classroom paradigm where technology and the physical space are integrated to support pedagogy and create a more active and engaging experience for instructors and students.

Richland College Adds Steelcase LearnLab

Richland College Adds Steelcase LearnLab

Richland visited Steelcase to explore possibilities in innovative classroom design. After visiting and seeing LearnLab firsthand, Richland leaders became convinced that this research-based concept for integrating furniture and technology into the classroom space could be an important tool in furthering progressive learning strategies.

Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Redesign

Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Redesign

With a project budget of approximately $200 million, Advocate Lutheran General, already a U.S. News and World Report “Top 50” hospital, was ready to re-evaluate how they delivered its patient care, focusing on developing a patient- centered, private room model with a sustainable structure.