Busting Carbon Myths with Sheri Hickok (Transcript)

Busting Carbon Myths with Sheri Hickok (Transcript)

Sheri Hickok explains how carbon credits really work, their impact on carbon emissions, and how creating carbon neutral products benefits us all.

Spaces for All

Spaces for All

In designing inclusive spaces, the issue of what might support an equitable experience for one group, may create challenges for another. There is no single solution, but there is power in understanding competing priorities.

Benefits of Foolishness at Work with Poonam Bir Kasturi (Transcript)

Benefits of Foolishness at Work with Poonam Bir Kasturi (Transcript)

Poonam Bir Kasturi, founder of Daily Dump, created her home composting company in India to change the way people think about food waste and the circular economy. She tells us why we need more foolishness in business and why design can change our mindset.

Design with Conscience

Design with Conscience

We’re celebrating designers and architects taking a leadership role and collective action in creating better futures.

The Next Economy Company with Kara Pecknold (Transcript)

The Next Economy Company with Kara Pecknold (Transcript)

Kara Pecknold, Vice President of Regenerative Design at Frog, shares what she’s learned during her career helping organizations redesign how they do business.

Rethinking Design, Sustainably

Rethinking Design, Sustainably

Designers have an impact with the choices they make, but using fewer resources to lessen impact on the planet can be daunting. The challenge requires rethinking traditional ways of doing things.

Designing the New Workplace Experience with Jeremy Myerson (Transcript)

Designing the New Workplace Experience with Jeremy Myerson (Transcript)

Jeremy Myerson discusses the importance of making more adaptive, human centric workspaces by designing for experiences, and including biophilia and contemplation spaces in office design.

What Leaders Say Is Important Now

What Leaders Say Is Important Now

Steelcase WorkSpace Futures researchers identified a new set of priorities is gaining traction with business leaders around the world — people and the planet.

Audacious Inclusion with Caroline Casey (Transcript)

Audacious Inclusion with Caroline Casey (Transcript)

The founder of The Valuable 500, Caroline Casey, also happens to be legally blind. Learn how she started an inclusion revolution in the workplace, why she says hiding her true self was so limiting and her insights into how to create more inclusive workplaces even when everyone’s needs are so different.

Working Toward Better Futures

Working Toward Better Futures

Doing our best work for the places we all share starts with designing better futures for the wellbeing of people and the planet.