Learning happens the same way for everyone, but as we get older our bodies require better ergonomic support from our seating and desking. This concept for MBA classrooms considers the need for adult students returning to school to learn new things. The chairs offer better lumbar support, they present a higher aesthetic, a palette of posture offers multiple choice for students to move in the space and energize their bodies, and height-adjustable tables are proposed to allow students to change posture while in lecture mode without moving further away from the group.

Footprint: 172 m2

Products SILQ, Steelcase Roam Collection, Altzo943, Steelcase Flex Carts, Steelcase Flex Acoustic Boundary, Steelcase Flex Power Hanger & Power Stand, Steelcase Flex Whiteboard Solutions, Steelcase Flex Tables, Steelcase Flex Screens, Brody
Setting Type:
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Customizable No