People + Planet

Steelcase Joins Global Community for Disability Business Inclusion

The Valuable 500 is the world’s biggest CEO collective for disability inclusion.

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Steelcase announced it is joining the Valuable 500, a global business collective comprised of 500 international organizations committed to putting disability inclusion on their board agenda. The Valuable 500 is the world’s biggest CEO collective for disability inclusion.
Steelcase announced it is joining the Valuable 500, a global business collective comprised of 500 international organizations committed to putting disability inclusion on their board agenda. The Valuable 500 is the world’s biggest CEO collective for disability inclusion.

All of the Valuable 500 members, which includes industry leaders in aerospace, communications, finance, retail and technology, make a public commitment to advancing disability inclusion within their organizations. The Valuable 500 uses the definition of disability set out in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. “Those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”

“At Steelcase, unlocking human promise has been core to who we are since we were founded more than a century ago, and it’s important our mission applies to everyone at work. Designing for people is in our DNA, and we’re delighted to join other organizations looking for ways to leverage design to create more inclusive and welcoming environments for people with disabilities,” says Sara Armbruster, Steelcase President and CEO.

As a member of the Valuable 500, Steelcase is committed to supporting practices and processes that allow its employees to feel able and encouraged to bring their authentic selves to safe, compelling places where they can do their best work. Steelcase will also focus on helping customers and clients build accessibility and inclusion into the design and implementation of forward-thinking, equitable workplaces. In addition, Steelcase will actively participate in an inclusive design community of interest created to educate, raise awareness, learn from and share best practices with organizations committed to a more inclusive future where disability inclusion and workplace design can come together to inform the evolution of a better work experience for all.

Caroline Casey, founder of the Valuable 500, says by working together global organizations can innovate to drive systems change for the 1.3 billion people in the world with a disability. Casey says, “Business is the most powerful force on the planet and the Valuable 500 has the multiplier effect of the collective impact of 500 leading CEOs and brands. I am confident that over the next decade, if the business community pulls together and stands united in ensuring disability inclusion is a central part of their leadership agenda, we can truly make a difference globally.”

To learn more about how members of the Valuable 500 put disability on the business leadership agenda visit If you are interested in an Inclusive Workplace Community of Interest, you can learn more online.

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