Our ESG Reporting Strategy
Steelcase is committed to reporting annually on our sustainability vision, goals and progress. We use an approach of transparency and authenticity and continue to refine our reporting practices to help stakeholders understand our goals, standards and objectives. We do this while remaining consistent with external guidelines and expectations.
Steelcase first engaged with Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) in 2011 when we reported our carbon emissions, reduction goals and carbon strategy through the CDP Climate Change Program. We have reported Scope 1, 2 and ten categories of Scope 3 emissions through this program every year since 2015 and we have remained on the CDP leaderboard for Scope 3 supplier engagement since 2021. These scoring improvements have been driven by the creation and evolution of our carbon strategy, climate-related risk management programs and science-based emissions reduction targets.
FY24 | FY23 | FY22 | FY21 | FY20
FY24 GHG Emissions Verification Statement
UN Global Compact Communication of Progress
Steelcase is a signatory to this voluntary initiative that is based on CEO commitments and aims to implement universal sustainability principles for businesses. The Communication of Progress measures and demonstrates our progress on the Ten Principles and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reporting index contains clear, comprehensive, and high-quality information on Steelcase’s risks and opportunities resulting from rising temperatures, climate-related policy, and emerging technologies in our changing world.

FSC Certification
We believe that wood products from responsible sources are excellent choices for customers seeking to make good decisions – good for the planet. Steelcase supports chain of custody programs as a way to ensure our customers receive wood from responsible sources. Several Steelcase facilities in North America are FSC Chain of Custody certified to provide customers with FSC certified products.

California Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act
Our Commitment to People + the Planet
We believe that doing our best work for the places we all share starts with designing better futures for the wellbeing of people and the planet. We’re doing better for people by developing initiatives that help communities thrive and foster inclusion, in our own Steelcase family and around the globe, and by always acting with integrity. We’re doing better for the planet by making, sourcing and delivering products to reduce our carbon footprint, designing for circularity, and choosing and using materials responsibly.
Learn more about our commitment to people and the planet, including the significant areas of impact where we focus our efforts, here