Relaxed and worry-free meeting with GoBright room booking.
Room Booking System
With GoBright's Room Booking System, meeting rooms can be booked via Microsoft Teams, Outlook, Google Workspace, the GoBright Portal and the mobile app. GoBright's Room Booking system can be accompanied by the hardware such as GoBright Room Panels or the GoBright Interact. These are interactive displays that are mounted outside of each meeting room. They show basic information, such as availability and schedule, but can also be used to make ad hoc bookings.
- Calendars are automatically synchronised in both ways with all systems;
- No more switching between systems for booking a room to go with your meeting;
- Collect occupancy measurements to make data-driven decisions.

Catering & Services
Book a room, catering and other (facility) services at the same time. Is the meeting rescheduled? Booked catering & services change along automatically.

Microsoft Teams integration
GoBright Room Booking is fully integrated in Microsoft Teams, meaning that all GoBright solutions can be used within your Teams environment. Room Booking also connects with Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, Office 365, Google Workspace, Active Directory and FMIS-systems.

Room Control
With GoBright Control you are in complete control of your meeting, the room and its facilities. It shows basic information, such as meeting duration and participants, but is also interactive. When your meeting starts you can control the basic functions of your AV equipment, and you can report malfunctions to the facility manager in one go.
About GoBright
GoBright is specialised in Smart Workplace Solutions that support modern ways of working. With the Room Booking, Desk Booking, Visitor Management and Digital Signage solutions, GoBright brings transparency and data-based insights to the office environment. GoBright connects employees, users, and managers in the office building by creating user-friendly software. Shape your own workday, manage your space, collaborate, and communicate in a flexible working environment.
GoBright aims to make Flexible Working possible for every employee. Based on data, choices can be made to make the office more efficient, sustainable, or it can even be redesigned, possibly saving costs. Office transformation is forged by working with GoBright.