Platinum TE02
Image affichée:

Materials are displayed for reference and may vary by screen. Please refer to a physical sample for actual color and detail

Material Type Tissus
Prix Groupe de prix 1
Offering Surfaces Standard
Marque Steelcase
Contenu 100% Polyester
Application Surface verticale
Disponibilité mondiale Europe, Middle East, Africa, Americas
Code de nettoyage W
Conception Texture
Sustainability Does Not Contain Flame Retardants, Does Not Contain PVC, Does Not Contain Heavy Metals
Notes This will be leaving in April 2025
Abrasion Taber 125
Dry Crocking 4.5
Wet Crocking 4.5
Solidité de la couleur à la lumière 4
Brush Pill 3.5
Poids 2.5 oz per linear yard
Largeur 70 Inches
Country of Origin United States
Garantie 5 ans

Disponibilité totale

This product is available on the following product lines:

(H) Horizontal (V) Vertical (FC) Code de prévention des incendies